5 Reasons to Choose Compostable Bags over Plastic Bags

compostable bags over plastic bags

Bags are indispensable for packing and carrying things in our daily lives. However, the use of many plastic bags has caused a large amount of plastic waste and caused great harm to the natural ecological environment.

To protect and improve the living environment, a large number of emerging biodegradable and compostable plastic bags have appeared and been put into use in various fields. They have plenty of benefits, and there are five reasons to choose compostable bags over plastic bags.

Reduce Carbon Emissions

The carbon emissions from the production and use of plastics account for a relatively large share. The raw materials of compostable plastic bags are derived from biomass composition, like plant starch, and vegetable oil. The production of them achieves an ecological cycle: biomass feedstock – bio-based products – recycling or compost – biomass, which helps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Eliminates Plastic Waste

Traditional plastic bags are made of petrochemicals, and they are difficult to degrade and exist in the form of garbage in the oceans and on land. Because compostable bags can be decomposed into water, carbon dioxide, and humus under composting conditions, they do not leave a large amount of plastic waste in the ocean or on land. Moreover, their end product is a fertile organic fertilizer that helps the plants grow.

Quicker Degradation

Compared to traditional plastics, compostable plastic bags can be composted through a composting device, and there are usually two ways: home composting and industrial composting. They and other compost substances can decompose into fertile humus within 3-6 months with sufficient moisture, humidity, and microorganisms. If the conditions are insufficient, it may take longer. But compared to the speed at which traditional plastics have not completely decomposed for hundreds or thousands of years, the decomposition of compostable bags is speedy.

Produces Less Landfill Waste

Waste in landfills is usually disposed of by burning or landfilling. If you burn garbage, it will pollute the air quality. If you put waste in landfills, it doesn’t make the waste disappear.
Compostable pouches decompose as well as food scraps and waste paper, reducing the amount of waste in landfills. In particular, the compostable matter processed by industrial composting can quickly solve the problem of large amounts of garbage.

No Toxicity

Eco-friendly compostable bags are bio-based and are also generally considered starch-based. All of their constituent components do not contain any chemicals such as petroleum, so they are non-toxic in both the production of raw materials and the use of products. In addition, their final decomposition products are all environmentally friendly.


Compostable bags have more benefits than traditional plastic bags, making them the most environmentally friendly alternative. So switch to compostable plastic bags to eliminate waste, reduce carbon emissions, and protect the environment.

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