Definition and Applications of Masterbatch

multiple color masterbatch

Due to the good processability of masterbatches, they are increasingly in demand in the market and play an important role in the plastic industry. This post will give you an overview of masterbatches.

What is Masterbatch?

  • Masterbatch definition

Masterbatch is a polymer with color,  made of carrier resin, pigment, dispersant, and other additives. Masterbatch usually appears as solid granules in different colors after being refined and processed. The purpose of using masterbatch is to color the products, reduce the required carrier resin, and enhance the performance of products. Add masterbatches into your plastic manufacturing process, you can get products featuring outstanding functional properties and good color stability. Masterbatches can be divided into 3 main types based on their functions: color masterbatch, additive masterbatch, and filler masterbatch.

  • Masterbatch manufacturing process

Generally, the production of masterbatch consists of 3 steps:

Step 1: Determining the proportion of materials

Before processing, masterbatch manufacturers should weigh and determine the proportion of carrier resin, pigment, dispersant, and other additives. The proportion of all materials depends on the type of masterbatch that they want to manufacture.

Step 2: Mixing and heating all materials

After ensuring the proportion of all materials, producers should mix all materials by heating and melting.

Step 3: Cooling and cutting

All materials will be cooled from liquid to solid. Finally, the materials will be cut into small particles by single or twin screws.

 Applications of Masterbatch

Masterbatch has become an essential component in the processing of many products because of its good processability. So masterbatches cover an extensive range of applications.

  • Film-blowing

Masterbatches are added to carrier resin before the film-blowing process. With the masterbatches used in the process of film-blowing, manufacturers can improve durability, control heat, and decrease production costs.

  • Extrusion

Extrusion is also used for the production of plastic components and is also one of the important techniques in filler masterbatch manufacturing. The application of extrusion technology improves the rigidity and bearing capacity of products such as PVC pipes, straws, and drains.

  • Injection molding

Injection molding with masterbatch has several advantages:

Production time can be shortened owing to the excellent thermal conductivity of the CaCO3 masterbatch. Masterbatch is conducive to increasing stability during the forming of products. It saves energy and costs because of the shortening of production time.

With the substantial benefits of masterbatches, they are often used in various processes to enhance the functional properties of finished products. Choose the masterbatches you need to create unique products.

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