Compostable VS. Biodegradable Trash Bags

compostable trash bagsAll households and industries produce waste that needs to be collected and disposed of, and trash bags are an essential tool for this purpose. However, the excessive use and improper disposal of conventional garbage bags pose a significant threat to the environment. Therefore, it is important to consider alternative options that are eco-friendly and sustainable. Biodegradable and compostable bags are among the most popular alternatives available today.

What are Compostable Trash Bags?

Compostable trash bags are a type of eco-friendly packaging made from plant starch, such as corn, potato, or sweet potato starch. These bags are also referred to as starch-based plastic bags. When exposed to the right amount of humidity, temperature, and microbial activity, they can fully decompose into water, carbon dioxide, methane, and other humus. The resulting nutrient-rich soil is known as “compost”.

What are Biodegradable Trash Bags?

Biodegradable trash bags are made from degradable plastic resins derived from petrochemicals, oils, and plant starch. They can break down into water, carbon dioxide, and other materials under certain conditions, including moisture, higher temperatures, and microorganisms.

What are the Differences between Biodegradable and Compostable Trash Bags?

In contrast, they mainly differ in terms of raw materials, degradation conditions, environmental impacts, and disposal methods.

The raw materials of biodegradable and compostable trash bags

Biodegradable trash bags are made of bioplastic, like PLA (polylactic acid), PHA(polyhydroxyalkanoates), PBS(polybutylene succinate), etc. According to the raw materials resources, they are divided into two categories: bio-based biodegradable and petrochemical-based biodegradable trash bags. While compostable trash bags are usually derived from plant-based materials without any harmful chemicals or oils.

Degradation condition

The conditions for degradation include the following elements: a certain temperature, plenty of moisture, and a sufficient number of microorganisms.

The degradation of garbage bags can be controlled best within the temperature range of 25-30 degrees Celsius. At lower temperatures, the degradation process slows down, while at higher temperatures, it can be accelerated. For compostable plastic bags, specific decomposition requirements need to be met, which include the diameter of plastic fragments being less than 2mm. These bags should also not contain any heavy metals or toxic chemicals, which would reduce their impact on the environment.

Environmental impacts

Conventional plastic bags, like polyethylene, and polypropylene plastic, are made from petrochemicals. Nowadays, non-renewable resources are faced with the shortage question. The plastic waste can not be recycled and would exist on land for hundreds of thousands of years. As a result, harmful chemical elements contaminate soil and water sources, which can further disrupt the ecological balance. If being buried and fired, plastic bags smell bad and will lead to air pollution. The negative impact can not be imagined.

Biodegradable and compostable bags can break down into water, carbon dioxide, humus, and other chemical substances under certain conditions, without leaving harmful materials.
The difference is that the final material that compostable plastic bags break down improves soil fertility and promotes plant growth, flowering, and fruiting.

Disposal methods of biodegradable and compostable trash bags

Degradable bin bags can decompose into water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other humus in natural surroundings. But natural conditions change all the time. If the conditions do not meet the established standard range, biodegradable pouches are probably not to be decomposed and left in the landfills.

To prevent environmental pollution, garbage bags are now being recycled using waste disposal systems that incorporate degradation devices. The most commonly used technique is thermal oxygen degradation. Through this process, the organic materials of plastic film and household waste are broken down using high temperatures and sufficient oxygen. Compostable plastic garbage bags, on the other hand, can be disposed of in a compost pile. However, to meet composting standards, the garbage bags and their waste must be shredded into small pieces before composting.

Which Trash Bags Should You Choose?

Through the above comparison, it will be found that compostable garbage bags will be a more environmentally friendly option. To reduce carbon emissions and protect the green environment, it is highly recommended that choose compostable plastic trash bags for your daily food scrap or other waste.

ShinHigh’s compostable trash bags are certified for home composting and industrial composting. In addition, our products are strong, durable, and leakproof. If you want custom-printed trash bags, contact us now.

compostable plastic trash bags

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