
Tips on How to Distinguish Compostable Bags

  • Texture: Compostable bags feel soft and silky, whereas traditional plastic bags are much stiffer.
  • Smell: Compostable bags smell like cereal while traditional plastic bags have a pungent odor or no smell.
  • Appearance: Compostable bags are usually opaque with a matte finish, while traditional plastic bags are generally clear or glossy.
  • Labeling: Compostable bags are usually printed with a BPI or other certification label, while plastic bags are labeled with a recycling symbol.
  • Shelf Life: Due to the degradation characteristics of compostable plastic bags, they generally have a certain shelf life. Non-degradable plastic bags usually have no shelf life.
  • Graphic Logo: There are usually specific graphic logos on compostable plastic bags, which are used for indicating the degradability of plastic bags.

Tips on How to Store Compostable Bags

  • Store compostable bags in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and high humidity.
  • Keep them away from heat sources, such as fires and heaters.
  • It is necessary to place discarded compostable bags in a covered compost bin to prevent odors and pests.
store compostable bags
degradation of compostable bag

Why Choose Compostable Bags rather than Traditional Plastic Bags?

Compostable plastic bags can be decomposed under specific conditions and they break down into water, carbon dioxide, and small pieces less than 2 mm, which comply with the social responsibility of environmental protection.

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